Cut Flower Mix


This special wildflower seed mix contains 18 varieties of beautiful, vibrant cut flower varieties.

Flowers include:

  • Zinnia-Dahlia Mix

  • Cornflower

  • Yellow Cosmos

  • Cosmos

  • Rocket Larkspur
Indian Blanket
Baby's Breath
  • Teddy Bear Sunflower

  • Scarlet Flax
Sunspot Sunflower

  • Lemon Mint
  • Coreopsis Radiata Mix

  • Bird's Eyes
Mountain Garland

  • Red Corn Poppy
  • Gloriosa Daisy

  • Bishop's Flower

Coverage: 1/4 lb covers up to 625 sq ft.
Light Requirement: Full Sun

Planting Tips

To achieve the best results when planting annual and perennial wildflowers, it is essential to consider the timing, location, and care of the seeds. For Spring planting, it is ideal to plant within a month after the final frost of the winter season. Planting too early may lead to loss of the seeds due to late-season frost, requiring reseeding. Fall planting should be done after the first killing frost to eliminate the possibility of germination and ensure a head start on Spring blooms.

While some wildflowers can thrive in filtered shade, most require ample sunlight to sprout. Generally, wildflowers are hardy and do not need much pampering, making fertilizer or rich sods unnecessary. Regular weeding, watering during dry spells, and deadheading of blooms that are past their prime are essential in caring for wildflowers.

When planting wildflower seeds, ensure not to cover them as they require light to germinate. Clear the planting area and work the soil as best as possible. It is natural for some weeds to sprout along with the flowers. Mixing seeds with sand in a ratio of 5 parts sand to 1 part seeds allows for even distribution and marking of the planted sections. For a small area, hand-broadcasting is ideal, while for larger sections, a seed spreader will provide better results. After planting, lightly compress the seeds into the soil, about 1/4" deep, to protect from birds and wind.

Planting Instructions:

1. Choose a suitable location: Look for a spot in your garden that receives full sun or partial shade. Ideally, the area should have well-drained soil and be free from weeds.

2. Determine the size of your garden bed: Measure the area you want to plant the wildflowers in and decide how large you want your garden bed to be. Consider leaving some space between the plants for growth and maintenance.

3. Prepare the soil: Remove any weeds or grass from the area and loosen the soil with a rake or tiller.

4. Plant the seeds: Scatter the seeds evenly over the prepared soil. Lightly press the seeds into the soil and water gently.

5. Water and care for the plants: Water the seeds regularly to keep the soil moist until the plants have established themselves. Once they are established, water less frequently but deeply. Remove any weeds that may compete with the wildflowers for nutrients and sunlight.

6. Enjoy your wildflower garden! Once the wildflowers start blooming, you can expect to see hummingbirds and butterflies visiting your garden. Enjoy watching them flit from flower to flower, and take pride in the beautiful display you've created!